Wednesday, February 25, 2009


perhatian2 bagi anak2 MRK,
gimana nih nasib kita?
oia bagi yang punya master TA,
mauuu dong hehehhe....

oia saya udah PRS dan sok2an ngambil sisrek
mudah2an saya lulus dengan nilai baik yah huhuhuhuhuwww....

semester ini saya sok sibuk

sok2an daftar asisten
sok2an ikut the center
sok2an jadi ketua kelompok

hahahahaha satu lagi
sok2an pulang pergi ke CiWalk JALAN KAKI!!!!

great ratnae,
hopefully saya melangsing lah ya huhuhuwww...

kemaren gw kalap jalan2 di BIP
ngerasa badan pegel2, padahal sih nggak
pertama ke johnny
creambath + refleksi kaki

abis itu ke Hypermart belanja2 ma makan malem
tba2 ada annoncement kalo beli roti 1 gratis 1
hwaaa langsung kalap dan ngeborong roti abon fave sayah hahahha

beteee iigh...

haaagghh sebel, kenapa sih cuma saya yang mencari?
pengen deh kadang2 saya yang dicari..

hallooooo jangan tenang2 dulu ya bos, anda blom diterima di keluarga saya...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Black Tiger

mau tau? click....

You are Black Tiger, who is healthy and lively woman.
Just being there, makes the atmosphere bright and cheerful.
Your sociable and kind personality makes you have lots of friends, and you are very popular.
Nevertheless, unlike your open attitude, you can be too serious and argumentative.
You possess both pure and very calculative mind.
But just as you look, you can adapt easily to circumstances, and would not do things that break the harmony of the group.
You don't show your strain of grief, and can live life happily and cheerfully in any situation or difficulty.
Your strong mentality acts as one of your strength to make your ideals come true.
Because of this, you can be rather obstinate to stick to the plans you have made.
You have a brilliant mind and high intelligence and can make decisions logically and calmly.
Your attitudes and preferences seem to be straightforwardly huge, people may think you extravagant.
But although you seek extravagance in atmosphere, economically you are very thrifty.
You are suited to occupations like lawyers and police women, which can use your sense of justice to its maximum.
But you are very tough and can pour all your energy into anything you end up doing.
After marring, you will put your natural motherly instinct to bring up a warm family.
But your sociability keeps many people like you to carry on working

Thursday, February 5, 2009

my cute pupe...

duh lagi musim valentine, sampe2 si pupe ameba nampilin background secute inihhhh...
yummy bgt, lucunya, sampe gak tahan buat ngesave di blog hehehehe..

btw si dressnya juga bagus2, tapi mahal, gak punya banyak ribbon hikss...
ada yang mau ngasi ide buat curang?
ditunggu yah hehehehe...

eh bonekanya mirip gw ga?


haaahh sepi, akhirnya semester ini bakal resmi sebagai back to nature
back to autis again
selera fashion juga balik ke tpb
pokoknya reset ke 3 tahun lalu

gimana ya?
rasanya balik sepi itu agak gak enak
kagok aja
tapi kalo dinikmati pasti asik hehehe

ntah apa jadinya gw detik2 trakhir di bandung

mudah2an better yahh...
eh sempet gak ya gw jadi asisten?